Medicare bulk-billed dentistry - Hoppers Crossing
Disclaimer: the information provided in this blog post is general in nature and not intended to be read as advice. It should also not be taken as confirming or denying eligibility under the CDBS scheme - please contact Services Australia to determine eligibility. Refer to the following webpage for full details:
Australian Federal Government Funding - Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)
The Australian Federal Government provides Commonwealth funding for eligible children to obtain dental treatments up to $1,095 over a 2-year period. This is commonly referred to as Medicare dental or bulk-billing dental for children.
To be eligible the children or their families must meet certain criteria. The information below should help you to figure out if you qualify but please note that it is provided as general information only and should not be relied upon in determining eligibility under the scheme.
The government funding program is called the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) and Services Australia states that there’s no need to apply or register for CDBS as the Australian Federal Government through Services Australia will send you a letter in the mail if your child or children are eligible for funding under the scheme.
Hogans Road Dental - Bulk Billing dentist for eligible children (Hoppers Crossing)
At Hogans Road Dental, we are registered with Medicare enabling us to bulk-bill them for treatments provided under the CDBS program. See below for eligibility criteria and services able to be provided under the CDBS program.
Is my child/children eligible?
To make a claim under the scheme you must be either the child’s:
parent or guardian; or
approved care organisation
A child will be eligible for funding under CDBS if:
they are eligible for Medicare
they are between the age of 2 years and 17 years (for at least one day of the year)
you or they get an eligible payment at least once that year (see below).
What is an eligible payment?
Services Australia provides the table below in identifying what payments are eligible if received by either the child or the child’s parent/carer/guardian.
Source: Services Australia (
What services can be provided under CDBS?
The $1,095 limit over 2-years is allocated for what is defined as ‘basic dental services’ under CDBS. These include:
X-rays (bitewings)
full mouth cleaning
fissure sealing
root canals
dentures (partial)
What services cannot be provided under CDBS?
Orthodontics (braces)
Hospital dental services
Cosmetic dental services (teeth whitening etc.)
When does the 2-year period start and finish?
The $1,095 for each eligible child is done over 2 consecutive calendar years with the 2-year period starting at the beginning of the calendar year in which your child becomes eligible AND gets their first dental service under CDBS.
The entire $1,095 can be used in the first year but this will no funds remaining for the second year. If none of the $1,095 limit is used in the first year then you will be able to utilise the entire amount in the second year (it is carried forward). Remember that the child must remain eligible in the second year.
If none of the limit is used in the entire 2-year period then it will lapse i.e. it cannot be carried forward into future years. If your child/children remain(s) eligible in the new 2-year period then you will be able to claim under the CDBS program.
I’m eligible - How can I claim treatment under CDBS?
Give us at Hogans Road Dental a call on 03 9748 8433 and we’ll get an appointment booked in for you. We encourage you to call Medicare to see how much of $1,095 limit you have remaining as this will help you to understand what treatments your child can receive without any gap. You can also check your remaining benefit under your Medicare online account. Alternatively, our friendly team is able to call Medicare on your behalf and let you know.
When you arrive let our front desk team know that you would like to utilise your CDBS benefit and they’ll take care of the rest. Our team will be able to tell you what dental services are required for your child and if CDBS will cover these. We generally bulk-bill directly to Medicare so there’s no more paperwork for you.
Disclaimer: the information provided in this blog post is general in nature and not intended to be read as advice. It should also not be taken as confirming or denying eligibility under the CDBS scheme - please contact Services Australia to determine eligibility. Refer to the following webpage for full details: