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Wisdom Teeth Removal

What are wisdom teeth?

They are the molar teeth at the back of your mouth which usually come out in your late teenage years or early twenties. While some people’s wisdom teeth comes through completely, others can find that they either come out partially and get stuck between nearby teeth. They can even come out too far and be longer than your other teeth. Some people are even lucky enough to not have wisdom teeth.


Do I need to get them removed?

Not always! If they aren’t causing any issues it’s likely that they can remain where they are - that’s good news! If you do then our team at Hogans Road Dental can help you to get them removed.

So When do I need to get them removed?

You’ll generally need to have then removed if you have:

  • experienced numerous or serious gum infections

  • tooth decay on your wisdom teeth or are causing decay of neighbouring teeth

  • a wisdom tooth growing out too far and cutting through the cheek or gums

  • wisdom teeth that are oriented in such a way making it hard to clean properly

  • orthodontic treatment like Invisalign or braces that require space to move other teeth

Before deciding on getting them removed, we generally would recommend that X-rays of your teeth are taken. This allows us to accurately diagnose the issue and treat it as painlessly as possible.


So what’s involved with getting them removed?

Wisdom teeth on your upper arch are usually removed easily and you’ll likely get some local anaesthetic to help during the procedure. Wisdom teeth on your lower arch can be a little more difficult to get out.

Getting wisdom teeth removed generally involves cutting the gum to uncover your tooth (if it’s below the gum), removing bone around your tooth and separating the tooth into sections. We recommend taking at least some time off school or work, but most people are able to get back to a normal schedule within a week.

We know that getting wisdom teeth removed can sound a little daunting but don’t worry we offer Happy Gas (Nitrous Oxide) if you’re feeling anxious.

Some people have wisdom teeth which are positioned deep inside the jaw bone next to a nerve or entangled in a nerve. In these cases, we may refer you to our trusted Australian trained and qualified oral surgeon in Werribee.