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Dentures can be used to replace one or more missing teeth. For patients who have lost most of their teeth, dentures can give you back a fuller face. They can also help you speak more clearly and support the bones in your jaw from shrinking due to the lack of use.

Hogans Road Dental Dentures


Partial dentures are ideal for those who are missing only a few teeth. They hold onto the remaining gum line and any neighbouring teeth which act as natural anchors.


When your upper or lower jaws no longer have any teeth, a complete denture is an ideal solution. There are options of traditional dentures that suction to the soft tissue of your mouth or dentures that are anchored by dental implants.

Denture adjustments

We can provide adjustments and repairs to your existing dentures. Contact us if you have any of the following issues:

  • your denture is rubbing on your gum line

  • does not sit right

  • the clasp or denture has broken

  • have a lose tooth that holds onto the denture